In the last decade, streaming has taken the internet by storm. For years, businesses have incorporated
YouTube into their marketing strategies. Today, many people are promoting their businesses through live streaming. In addition to humanising a business, live streaming gives more brand exposure. In fact, it’s so popular, brands as big as Nestle use it as a marketing tool.
What Are the Business Benefits of Using Live Streaming?
The world wide web is a big place. Without the right approach to marketing, it becomes a sea where businesses can get lost.
Live streaming creates and increases exposure. Facebook is a good example. When someone watches your live stream and comment on it, their friends see the comment. This could then encourage them to watch, too. From this, you grow your internet audience.
As part of your marketing efforts, you probably have a website. While you most likely strive to provide customers with all the information they need, you may not answer every single one of their queries. With each live stream session, you can offer the chance for customers to ask questions or bring up concerns. Each satisfactory answer you give them may drive them closer to using your services.
A huge benefit is the way a live stream humanises your businesses. Websites are flashy, but they don’t convey your full personality. When you use a member of staff who endears themselves easily to others, you make your business more approachable.
Which Apps Can Businesses Use for Live Streaming?
There are lots of live streaming apps available. With many, you can use your phone. These include:
- Facebook: Rarely a day goes by with a friend or business not live streaming. Businesses simply press the “Live” button under the status area to start. Initially, only you will see your video. When you’re happy with it, you can start streaming it to consumers.
- Periscope: Periscope is an app you can download via Android or iOS. It integrates with Facebook and Twitter so you can broadcast to both networks. It also allows others to use keywords to search for your type of stream. For example, if they search for streams in the Darwin area, they’ll discover your business.
- Streamup: Streamup allows users to stream from their phone or with professional equipment. While the app targets itself at musicians, there’s no reason why business owners can’t use it. If you use an encoder, you can add special effects and filters. This is a great chance to create an eye-catching stream that captivates viewers.
- Stream: App names don’t get simpler than this. After using stream, users can collate their favourite moments and make them available to rewatch for 24 hours. As a business, you can share these moments via your social media accounts for others to watch.
Tips for Maximising Your Live Streaming Efforts
After choosing your app, you’ll need to take an approach that maximises your efforts. It’s often a shaky process at first, but with time you’ll get better. Here are some simple tips to help you get started:
- Watch what other businesses do. If you’re new to this, watch what others do first. Many apps allow you to search for streams. Look for companies similar to yours, then see what they do. Some apps, such as Periscope allow viewers to give their reactions. Keep watching the ones who get the best reactions and take note of their tactics.
- Plan your stream. If you rush into a stream without a plan, you’ll flounder. It’s a bit like heading to an audition without practising. Consider what you want to talk about. Anticipate questions you’ll receive. Create a structure, but do remember the audience may ask questions. As such, it needs to remain fluid and natural, too.
- Promote the stream in advance. Surprise streams are worth trying. However, if you want the most viewers, promoting in advance is essential. Tweet and write statuses, and encourage followers to share with their friends.
Above all, try to put your nerves to one side. This is a new and exciting mode of internet marketing. If you test a few different approaches, you’ll develop a technique that makes your website shine.